Our Terms and Conditions
1. This Agreement is a binding contract between you and us, and it sets out your and our
rights and obligations with respect to your membership of meru-capital.pro and use of the
Platform. In executing this Agreement, you are indicating that you agree to adhere to, and be
bound by, all of its terms.
2. Upon registration to our website, you will become a Member of meru-capital.pro. By
making an investment you will become a client of meru-capital.pro. You are supposed to
provide required information while registering with us. The declarations set forward in the
self-certification should be truthful and genuinely apply to you.
3. We do not persuade you to invest with us, but only provide you with investment advice.
Your investment will be from your own discretion.
4. By becoming a member you will have the opportunity to invest with us and earn from our
mentioned investment plan. There may be additional terms relating to the investments, and
when notified and approved by you, you agree to consent by.
5. You authorise us to use any of your personal information which is relevant to our
provision of services to you for all reasonable purposes in relation to your use of the
Platform. We may retain and continue to process your personal information after the
termination of this Agreement or any other agreement between you and us. Your personal
information may be transferred or disclosed to and/or by third parties where necessary. This
enables us to provide services to you and to discharge our obligations to third parties,
including relevant stock exchanges, government agencies and regulators.
6. By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not
continue to use meru-capital.pro if you do not agree to take all of the terms and
conditions stated on this page. These terms and conditions cannot be altered under any